If you are looking to meet the loveliest people in the Pacific and to enjoy a nice bit of ‘shore leave’, don’t miss Samoa (formerly Western Samoa).
We arrived here after an easy 4.5 day sail from Suwarrow and opted to stay in the Marina (52 Tala a day at an exchange of 2.43 Tala / $1) so that we could take some extended time off the boat.

We spent our first week in Apia checking into the country, doing laundry and shopping (5 Tala taxi ride to city center) watching the Samoa/New Zealand/Australia outrigger canoe races and visiting Robert Lewis Stevenson’s home and tomb ($12 tala taxi one way) with the crew of Anke-Sophie.

We discovered a most delicious and affordable Indian restaurant called Tifaimoana where we are several times during our stay in Samoa.

On our second week in Samoa, we rented a car for a week (100 Tala per day 7th day free).

For two days we drove around Apia with the crew of Anke-Sophie, visiting several villages and sites of interest for a nominal entry fee (typically 5 Tala per person).

We then ferried over to Savai’i car and all for 3 days of touring. (180 Tala for car and driver and 24 Tala for an additional passenger)

Our first two days in Savai’i were spent at the lovely Tanu Beach Fales in Manase (70 Tala per person includes Breakfast and Dinner) where we truly got a taste of Fa’a Samoa.

We enjoyed the beach, toured the lava fields, and were introduced by our friend Audrey to a Doctor volunteering in the area

On the third day in Savai’i, we moved to the Via-Moana Beach Fales (95 Tala per person including Breakfast and Dinner to meet up with our friends from Anke-Sophie who were anchored there in Asau Bay.

More site seeing ensued including a trip to the Falefalupo rain forest and house in the rock

Then it was back to Apia for some last minute touring, viewing the Police Parade, a Fiafia performance, and provisioning before departing for our next port.

I was not ready to leave on when we did as I was captivated by Fa’a Samoa (the Samoan Way) but new adventures awaited, so we threw off the mooring lines and sadly said soifua (farewell) Samoa.
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The first picture of the church is amazing. What stunning architecture and blue and white always makes for a striking combo.
Thank you so much for looking at my post and for your lovely compliment. I was absolutely captivated by your dreamy castle photo http://arrestingimagery.wordpress.com/2014/10/10/weekly-photo-challenge-dreamy/. I love your suggested ‘guest post’ prompts and am thinking about possible submissions as books have been a huge influence in my life http://jeriwb.com/guest-post-topics-and-submission-criteria-4169/