I first learned of Psychologist Mimi’s distinctive blog through my participation in various photo challenges and quickly became intrigued.
So how honored was I when she nominated me along with nine other sister ‘bloghers’ for The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.
Mimi posed 10 questions for us to answer. So here goes….
1. What is your favorite place you have traveled to? My sailing circumnavigation has taken me to so many awesome places it is difficult to chose one. So I will choose the most ‘remote’ place I have visited so far: Minerva Reef. It is one of those places that makes traveling by sailboat so special because you can’t get there by commercial airline or cruise ship.
2. How do you feel about cheese? Love it. Can’t live without it. When we provisioned in Hawaii for this year’s voyage, we filled the bottom shelf of our fridge with enough Parmigiano and Romano to get us all the way to New Zealand.
3. Cat or dog? Dogs as companions and cats in street art.
4. Which is the most useful social media tool? There are a plethora of wonderful social media tools out there, many of which I find very useful. However, the first ‘tool’ that came to mind was my new Panasonic DMC-FZ 200 so I am going with that one.
5. Hopes for the coming year? To safely complete the Pacific leg of my sailing journey and then find a great job along my sailing route or wherever the winds take me.
6. Feedback: great way to learn or waste of time? Depends upon who provides it.
7. Which current news story (that isn’t really news) are you most tired of hearing about? Lucky for me, the sailing lifestyle tends to shield me from hearing too much ‘non-news’. Nothing comes to mind! How awesome is that?
8. What is the best thing to do on a rainy day? Well. we’ve certainly had a lot of experience with rain since arriving in New Zealand in early November. I pass the time fondly remembering warmer days in the tropics.
9. What truth do you seek? I try to seek the truth in all things, and when I don’t, it still manages to find me. In the wise words Elvis Presley “Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away”.

10. Apple or PC? If can’t decide, apple or orange? The answer to both questions is Apple.
Now comes the part where I am supposed to nominate seven blogs for this esteemed award. However, as I wrote when I accepted my two Liebster awards, there are so many blogs I follow, that I can’t limit my love to just a few. So instead of punting it back (again borrowing from the eloquent words written by Behan Gifford on sailingtotem.com) I’m just going to say that there are some beautiful, inspiring blogs out there. If you want a taste, you can start with a list of wonderful sailing blogs that I follow on my Sailing Links Page.
Well, next time I am looking for something to do on a rainy day, I will refer to the photo above #8 and fondly remember your warmer days in the tropics as well! Haha – but seriously, I enjoyed your answers!