We managed to make our way back to Picton along the South Island’s east coast, taking an overnight detour inland to visit Arthur’s Pass along our way.

I was sad to leave the South Island as there was so much beauty on offer and not enough time to enjoy it all.

But we had two long awaited visitors arriving (my Dad in mid-Feb and our friend Amy in mid-March) and the need to haul out Amandla for repairs in Tuaranga in-between visitors.

So we boarded the Ferry and headed homeward, bidding the beautiful South Island of New Zealand farewell.

safe travels to you as you bid goodbye from this gorgeous, scenic place. my favorite pics wee the Marlborough vineyards – all those back moutons and the green lines – very unique and so vast. also, the diversity of seals – was almost like a sampling of smooth, textural and shiny. – oh and starting with one word “bird” gave such a nice opener for the post of today’s pictures. <3
Thank you for the kind bon voyage Yvette and your wonderful compliments!
I am so glad that you liked vineyards snap. That region is amazing.
And with regard to the seals, I had so many pictures of them it was hard to chose just one. And now after hearing your comment, I went back to look at the rest and indeed, it is the most diverse of the bunch. Once again, I love your eye and perspective.
The Bird! photo totally cracked me up because we were surrounded by nature for many, many miles, and then, out of nowhere, there is this giant bird looking out through the trees.
Anyhow, thank you as always for commenting!
Oh, wow! If this is just a hint at the beauty….
Looks like paradise to me! Superb shots and I’m quietly envious, Lisa.
You are absolutely lovely to say so Jo. Greatly appreciate you stopping by and having a look. And you know I have Algarve envy
Absolutely stunning photos. Living through your experience!
You are wonderful to say so! Thank you so much for traveling with me virtually and for such a lovely compliment.
Lovely photographs Lisa-I love the one of the seals-they definitely know how to make the most of a moment!
Great to hear from you Meg! Really pleased you liked the photos. Those seals certainly do have the right idea on how life should be lived – swim, eat, rest, repeat!
These photos bring back lovely memories Lisa
We went over on the Tranzalpine from Christchurch to Greymouth via Arthurs Pass and also got the train from Christchurch up to Picton to catch the ferry to Wellington where my cousin lives. The train journeys were spectacular to say the least! Looks like you had a wonderful trip 
It is lovely to travel with you virtually Rosemary, even if a few years apart in New Zealand
I love trains and so wanted to take the Tranzalpine train but our ‘cruising kitty’ didn’t permit it this time around. I did not know there was a train trip from Christchurch to Picton. I will have to live vicariously through your rail travels until I can replenish the cruising kitty 
Thanks Lisa
I will have to dig out my photos and do some NZ posts at some point – the photos are 6 years old and were taken with my old camera so have the dates written on them as I didn’t know how to remove them back then!! Train journey from Christchurch to Picton is run by the same company as the one over to Greymouth – it was well worth the ride but as you say wasn’t the cheapest means of travel. Am glad you enjoy my rail travels too! Have enjoyed your NZ posts very much thanks for sharing!
I would LOVE to see your photos of New Zealand Rosemary
It is wonderful to see places that I have visited through other peoples eyes! I hope to see a New Zealand blog post from you soon 
What in the world was that top photo?
That is an homage to the now extinct South Island Moa Bird
Thanks for asking.
Aren’t the seals at Ohau fascinating? And my goodness Marlborough is dry! I am sorry I wasn’t paying attention to your travels. You would have been welcome to stop by. Perhaps you will come back again.
Wonderful to hear from you Gallivanta!
I am kicking myself that I didn’t let you know I was headed your way in hopes of getting to meet you in person. I am not sure when I will be back that way, but I do hope I have a chance to return someday.
Marlborough is very dry. It is finally starting to rain there again, but I hear that December and January were virtually without rain.
The seals at Ohau point were very fascinating and entertaining. We stayed for quite some time to watch them. New Zealand is lucky to have so much accessible wildlife within its borders.
Stunning photos, Lisa. I confess that I was taken aback with the “bird” for a moment. Until I realized that it couldn’t be real. The seals are adorable and I envy their lifestyle. The waterfalls, vineyard, Ohau Point and Along Port are all breathtaking views.
What a fantastic trip. Safe travels!
Sadly the Moa bird is now extinct but it must have been amazing to behold when it roamed this place. As a great admirer of your photography, I appreciate your compliments on mine.
Amazing virtual tour! Lovely photos and interesting destination
Thanks for taking me there. Bye. Kamila
Thank you for traveling with me Kamila! I am enjoying traveling with you along your Spicy Road as well