We arrived in Vanua Balavu on June 24 after a somewhat unpleasant, 17 hour reach in 30+ knot winds (10 knots predicted) and bumpy seas. I’ve experienced much worse, but somehow, it is the one day journeys that start in the evening that are the most challenging for me.

Land was a welcome sight at sun-up and after entering the pass, we made our way south to Daliconi Village. We dropped anchor and shortly after getting settled, headed to shore with the crew of SY Mersoleil and their guests to make our first Sevusevu with the Village Chief.

Lako Newton, the Village Head of Tourism took us to the Chief’s home. The Captain presented our offering (a half kilo bundle of Kava) to the Turaga ni Koro who in turn presented it to the Chief. We shared our history and explained the purpose of our visit Daliconi and the Bay of Islands. The Turaga ni Koro translated and the The Chief accepted our offering and granted us permission to visit his lands under his protection. I was relieved that we didn’t have to drink any Kava as I’d had some once in another country and found it unpleasant.

After receiving the Chief’s permission, we decided to take a walk through the Village toward the Daliconi Primary School.

As luck would have it, the school children were holding a final dress rehearsal for their “International HIV Prevention and Anti – Drug/Child Abuse/Violence Against Women Week.

The Headmaster, teachers and students were very welcoming and engaging.

I enjoyed myself so much that I headed back with Robbie of SY Mersoleil and his friend Derrick the next day to see the final event.

The event kicked off with songs by the children, a blessing by the Village Pastor, the raising of the Fijian Flag and pledge of allegiance.

The students and teachers then paraded around the school grounds with hand-crafted banners.

Following the parade, Robbie of SY Mersolei gave a wonderful speech to the students at the invitation of The Headmaster.

We were then treated to wonderful performances, speeches, and poetry readings by the very impressive students. At the conclusion of the morning’s activities, we were given bananas and coconuts and invited back for games in the afternoon.

Unfortunately, The Captain had come down with a very bad case of bronchitis and so I remained on the boat with him in the afternoon.

The next day, The Captain was feeling a bit better and so we went to shore for a brief walk. Daliconi was a buzz with activity preparing for a great feast to honor guests that were coming to the Village to make a donation of Rugby Jerseys.

It seemed as if everyone in the Village was preparing to welcome the guests with gifts, food and festivities. We were invited to join in the fun, but The Captain was still recovering and so we politely declined.

On June 27th, our friend Bev of SY Mersolei had arranged for the town to throw a surprise 70th birthday party for Captain Robbie.

We were invited along with the crews of SV Domino, SY Interlude, SY Local Talent, SY Sel Citron and Anna from SY Rewa.

What a celebration it was. Daliconi Village put on an AMAZING party with delicious food, entertainment, dancing, and kava (which I decided to try again and found it surprisingly delicious this time around. Very earthy. I had seconds).

Robbie was quite surprised and a good time was had by all.

After the party, we got out the Bocce Ball sets and played a few rounds with The Villagers.

We had planned to leave June 28th for the Bay of Islands but The Captain still needed a few days of rest to fully recover before we could head out. So we stayed.

On Sunday, I decided to check out a local church service with Sabine from SY Local Talent and Anna from SY Rewa. We were graciously invited to join for the lunch afterward by Sam Newton.

Each Sunday, a lunch is prepared by one of the local families for the visiting Pastor, the local Pastor, the Choir Master and esteemed congregants. We enjoyed another amazing meal and getting to know the locals.

Monday was laundry day and lucky for me, Lako takes in laundry so I dropped mine off and then headed out for a nice long walk, stopping by The Daliconi Primary School to say good-bye to The Headmaster. The Captain remained in bed.

On Tuesday, we said our good-byes to Lako and Sam Newton and then it was anchors up and off to the beautiful (internet free) Bay of Islands.

We enjoyed a few days of unique landscapes and shared a sundowner with the crews of SV Domino, SY Mersolei and SY Local Talent.

Flying foxes provided the evening’s entertainment.

Next stop: The anchorage at Nabavatu Plantation where we will do some hiking and celebrate The Fourth Of July.
Lisa, what a great write up. You guys sure had a great first Sevusevu. What an experience. I which I could have been part of this. Well next time. Sorry Fabio was not feeling well. Enjoy the rest of you time in Lua.
Ahoy there Steve! We think of you often and wish you were still here with us! You are welcome back anytime (fancy a sail to Australia?) The Captain is feeling better now and we are in Viani Bay where we plan to do some snorkeling while we wait for a weather window to head south west to Denarau via Kadavu Island. Hugs to Margo!
Wow, wow, wow, what an adventure you guys are having.
What amazing cultural experiences you’re getting to enjoy on this trip! Lucky you. I love reading about them.
And I love having you along on the voyage Karen! And how much am I loving you right now? Thank you so much for selecting on of my images for June’s On Your Doorstep. Honored!!!! We are now in Viani which allegedly has one of the top 10 underwater Garden of Eden’s in the world so I hope to have more entries from my ‘underwater’ doorstep as soon as the rain lets up
Great post and adventure! Mast and Schotbruch!
Glad you liked the post
Thank you so much for your kind words and well wishes!
Is that sunset real??!! I can see that some nice food was served too. Lisa it seems like a perfect time off.
P.S. And flying foxes!!! WOW!!
What a wondeful experience and greatly described and photographed. Time for a book?!All those experiences, pics need to be shared by more people. It is a great adventure for most of us.
Safe travels and take care Lis.
Ahoy There Esther! Thank you so much for your very generous and kind compliments! I wish you were here enjoying (and photographing and painting) the adventure with me. May you have a bit of your own adventure in your very near future. Miss you!
The photos of the local people and their lives are fabulous, and those sunsets … WOW!
I am tickled to know that you find the images fabulous Lexie! Thank you so very much. I loved the images from your recent trip to Petra! Someday……
I have no words, Lisa! You captured it all: the sunsets, landscape, culture, education, etc! What an incredible experience. I need to stow away on your next trip. My friend’s family is from Tonga and they have been there for the last two weeks. She is family to the new royalty that was just inducted. Looks like you had your share of politics, too, with the chief.
You are so wonderful Terri! Thank you! You are welcome to ‘stowaway’ anytime. And how cool is it that your friend is family to royalty in Tonga. We visited there last year (LOVED IT) and are disappointed not to be there this year for all the festivities. So cool! But you are right, at least we got to meet with the wonderful Chief of Daliconi!
Great pictures. Flying foxes? Learned something new!
Thank you very much! Delighted you enjoyed the snaps …..and learned something. Great to meet you here in cyberspace. Looks like you’ve got a long history of adventuring yourselves. Looking forward to following you in Panama and beyond.
Thank you Lisa!
You photos are simply stir and inspiring my soul to pickup and travel. I really love the photos of the sky and ocean. You stay safe and I will one return to my nomadic wanderings. Great Posting!
You are absolutely wonderful to say so Marty! I would love to see you return to your nomadic wanderings! I love the inspiration you are finding in Florida and would enjoy viewing what you would find ‘on the road’.
I have found great inspirations in Southwest Florida, but my nomadic wanderings desires are a stirring.
I am so excited to see what your future holds Marty!
Hey thanks Lisa, I excited also, I’m patiently indulging in all facets of my creative desires.
I like the way the Chief sits there cross-legged. I could show you about a bizillion Canadian in his age group who could not sit like that. They’re just too used to sitting on couches and Lazy Boy recliners in front of the boob tube.
This man is one who has lived life and grown healthily with it. I am impressed by him in that regards.
And what amazing sunsets!
Happy Belated Canada Day Allan! Totally with you on the very cool and fit Chief! Was awesome to be in his presence. Hoping that we get to meet more like him before we leave Fiji. And Fiji totally delivers on sunsets. No photoshop or filters required :-).
So fascinating captures – really enjoyed this ‘walk’ with you…
Thank you so much for taking this journey with me Drake. I appreciate your visit and your compliment!
The kids are great–all the different expressions. Looking at your pics it is almost as though time has stopped (or really slowed down) in that part of Fiji. Those flying foxes look like giant bats.
The ‘pace’ is perfect in Daliconi. And those Flying Foxes are bats (Pteropus) ….. the largest in the world. Thank you for dropping by!
What beautiful photos! This looks like an incredible place to visit and see. Visiting an island in that area is definitely on my bucket list!
Thank you Alexis! I am so pleased that you think so. I know you will get here someday. You strike me as someone who can manifest her dreams!
Bravo Lisa. I love your creative and humanistic approach to your photos. Thank you for sharing. I am glad that you are blogging once again. Missed your informative articles. Enjoy the day.
You are very kind Gerry! Thank you. Your comment made my day ?
Lisa these photos were amazing! But when I got to the bottom and read flying fox, I was baffled. ‘Strange’, I thought to myself, ‘it doesn’t look like a bat’. When I reached the next photo and realized what they were it sent shivers down my spine and gave me the jibby jibbies, (if that’s how you spell it). I never knew bats of that size ever existed. Lol.
?I truly wonder if the ‘Dracula’ Bat wasn’t modeled after these. Luckily they keep to themselves. letting us observe them without worry.
You are right, they do resemble Dracula. You may be right. And it is a good thing to know that they keep to themselves, I would’ve never known that tidbit.