South Head NSW
Skippering a sailboat requires great care, especially when entering busy, new waters. But lucky for me, The Captain took care at the helm when we brought SY Amandla into Sydney Harbor, allowing me the pleasure of fully consuming it.

Image Courtesy The Captain
Sydney Harbor is the most well-known of the waters that comprise Port Jackson (the others being Middle Harbour, North Harbour and the Lane Cove and Parramatta Rivers).

Entering here for me was the culmination of our Pacific Ocean journey which started from Isla Mujeres, Mexico in 2013.

Well really, it started long before, but you can read all about that here.

I was so mesmerized by the Opera House off the port side of the boat that I failed to notice Luna Park to off our starboard side until it was too late to get a shot from a good angle.

But I was able to take photos of Luna Park two days later when we sailed back down the Parramatta River into Sydney Harbor given an unexpected need to change marinas.

Amandla is now safely tucked into her berth and we are ready to enjoy Sydney. Thanks to my friend Vanessa (Australian native now living in my home port in New York) we are well armed with a ‘Must Do Sydney’ list.

For The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Careful
Great pictures, enjoy Sydney. Can’t wait to hear about your “land” adventures while there.
Well thank you Gary! Sydney promises many great adventures!
Wow! great pictures Lisa!
You are lovely to say so Fabio. I can’t wait to see the images that you will share when you finish refitting Tranquility and set sail!
yes – those are great photos! I really like the one of Luna Park!!
Thought of you when I saw it. I remember how much you liked carnivals, especially the sideshows ?
There is something special about sailing into certain places that sends a shiver down your spine. For us it was London and Lisbon. I imagine for you being able to see and photograph Uncle Sydney in all his glory must have been one of those moments. Thank you for sharing your images and memories.
? Sailing into Sydney was exactly that Mark. I am a woman of few words, but this moment left me speechless. And how I would love to sail into London and Lisbon. Perhaps on my second time around
A woman of few words… You mean you only take a breath every other sentence!
Okay, I am a woman of few written words. But get me talking… My friend Jeff said it best once when I was taking a breath between sentence ‘Hey, wait, Dorenfest is trying to get a word in edgewise on herself’.
Stunning photos, Lisa. Thanks for taking me there with you.
The Opera House is so magical.
Incredible journey you have, Lisa! Wow, two years sailing, I am truly impressed! I am sure you will have great time in Sydney! Lovely images
It has been quite an adventure Indah. And even with all of the great sights I have seen along the way, Sydney Harbor has left me speechless. Am certain Sydney has plenty of treats in store on land as well. Thank you for your visit and kind words.
Ready to rock and roll! Have a great time
I think you’ve sent your rain here. Looks like we are going to be soaked over the next few days. That Sydney tour may just have to wait
Humble apologies
It was apparently 22C in Wales today and we were on our local beach in lovely sunshine too. (maybe 16C- unbelievable for November in the north east)
Wow! That is unusual. Apparently we sent our sunshine your way.am glad you were able to soak it up on a lovely local beach.
Brilliant up close and personal photos of Sydney Harbour, Lisa. The Opera House must certainly have looked very grand up that close. It really is an impressive piece of architecture. The Captain certainly has great photo taking skills like you – really like that shot of you so absorbed in your element
Have a good time in Sydney 
The Opera House was most definitely a wonder to behold up close Mabel, especially from the comfort of my own home
. The Captain’s photograph was my favorite in this post. He used to be a commercial photographer in the film days. He rarely photographs now, but I am so glad he took out his camera to capture (memorialize) this moment. I didn’t even know he did until we arrived. Thank you so much for your visit and kind words.
That is great to hear. I am sure you will see a lot of the Opera House over your stay in Australia
The Captain certainly still knows how to wield a camera. Perhaps he took more shots than you realised 
? Alas The Captain was too busy helming to take more. You are right, we have plenty more opportunities to photograph it again while we are here, but it was great that he gave me the gift of photographing it the first time!
Beautiful photos Lisa. It was so nice to read about your sail into Sydney Harbour. I’ve been to Sydney many times but to sail into the Harbour would be a truly amazing experience.
It was magnificent Michelle. I wish I was good with words and could express what it felt like. Thank you for your lovely compliment on the images. I feel much more comfortable capturing ‘street photographs’ (where I am the only one that has ‘that image’) than I am with photographing famous landmarks (that others have captured so beautifully).
Also, I agree with Mabel. The Captain’s photo of your absorbed in the experience is fantastic.
? That is my favorite image of the post Michelle. I will cherish that photo forever.
Even though your face wasn’t showing your excitement was so obvious.
?Like a kid in a candy shop
Lovely shots of the Harbour, Lisa. Sydney Harbour and the Opera House certainly are amazing places. You are right – landside Sydney has some treats, too. Enjoy! And Welcome to Aus!!!
You are lovely to say Debbie! Can’t wait to explore this place. Hope I get the opportunity to meet you when you are back home for a visit.
I got goosebumps right along with you as I sailed into the harbor through your photos! Such an incredible city – enjoy every minute!
? Thank you for sailing in with me virtually Lexi. Its nice to have you by my side.
Enjoy your time on dry ground amiga –
Thank you Yvette. It promises to be a grand adventure.
Well it seems as if some of my comments evaporated – but now that I have the wp app they are making it – anyhow – quick question – how long r u planning on being in Sydney?
Plan is to be in Sydney until end May, possibly longer. I am in love with this city!
Love your pictures. I pray one day I get to go to Australia, and your photos just intensified my desires. One of those things on my bucket list.
? Thank you Eva! I am certain that a visit to Sydney is in your future and I look forward to seeing the images that you will capture here.
The old Barquentine in the foreground of one of the Opera House shots is the Southern Swan, formerly known as Svanen. It was one of the ships which took part in the First Fleet re-enactment of 1987-88.
I was lucky to be a crew from Fremantle (Western Australia) to Sydney and to arrive in Port Jackson on January 26 1988, the bi-centenary of the founding of Sydney.
I just fell in love with that ship when I saw it Ray and even more so now knowing its history. How lucky are you to have been a part of it? I very much enjoyed meeting you and Leanne today and look forward to spending more time with you while we are in Sydney.
You will love it! Sydney is such a stunning city. Where are you heading next? Did you get emotional when you reached Sydney? I think I would have…
I wish I could describe what it felt like, but the moment silenced me. Definitely emotional. My current plan is to be in Sydney for six months if I can find a contract role to replenish the cruising kitty. I will definitely be heading to Melbourne while I am here (don’t know when, but it will happen). I will give you a shout when I have some dates.
Yes, please do! Enjoy Sydney
Let me know if you head to Melbourne…
Welcome to Sydney. If nothing else (and there will be lots else) you’re in for the culinary trip of your life. I’ve never eaten so well as I did in Aus and NZ – fresh, delicious, inventive. I’m drooling already. I hope you have a wonderful time.
While we haven’t had much of a chance to visit restaurants, Fabio has loved the selection of foods we’ve found here at the stores. He has whipped up some pretty good meals since arriving here. Unfortunately, my on-board Italian Chef heads back home tomorrow for a month and a half. But fortunately, he’s prepared some yummy sauces for me to remember him by ?.
Love the pics! Captain is good with the camera.Sydney is my second favorite harbor–SF is Number One. Good luck on the job hunt. I love the Opera House. We sailed out of Sydney on a P&O liner–many years ago. My dad told me to look at the barely started Opera House. He said “Everyone says the architect is mad, but when it is finished everyone will really marvel at the Opera House.” He was right.
How cool are you that you saw The Opera House under construction! Your father was a very wise man. The architect was WAY ahead of his time.
New York Harbor is my favorite, SF is my second, Sydney is my third…so far. ?from both me and The Captain.
Definitely a place I would love to visit-Luna Park looks like it has many picture taking possibilities-Hubble wishes he was there?
?? I wish Hubble would come for a visit (and bring you along with him Meg ;-). There are so many pups in Sydney. Very dog friendly.
Wow, Sydney is stunning, your photos seem to capture the welcoming and festive atmosphere! Lucky you to experience this city and hang out. Enjoy, perhaps there are some Australian bloggers nearby you can get together with!
I am lucky indeed Terri! I really like the vibe of this place so far. There are several Australian bloggers that I hope to me while I am in Australia although most are in Melbourne and one is in China but coming home to Sydney for Christmas. There is another blogger that I would like to meet from Perth but I am afraid I may not make it out that way. Plus, one blogger is coming here from Canada in February for an Australian tour and I hope to meet her and her husband for a drink while they are in Sydney. Would be fun if you made it here too
How fun will that be? We’re spending three weeks in San Diego and Mexico in December and January, so that kills my vacation time. One of these days!
Oh and I love your map!
To sail into Sydney and see the Sydney Opera must have been thrilling! Such beautiful photos. can’t wait to hear more!
Thank you for sailing in with me virtually. I hope to get out to start my tour Sydney this weekend. The Captain has just returned to his home country for a visit and I am spending my week days cleaning the boat and looking for work here to replenish the ‘cruising kitty’. Fingers crossed.
I love Sydney Lisa! It is one of my favorite cities. I love the photos of the majestic Opera house. Have a wonderful time. How long will you be there?
? I’m delighted you loved the photos of the Opera House Nicole! Plan is to stay in Sydney 6+ months if I can find a contract role to replenish the cruising kitty. Fingers crossed!
Amazing captures – so impressive views…
It was truly breathtaking to behold Drake. Thank you for sailing into Sydney with me virtually
Always interesting and very inspiring following you – I have the same passion for the sea…
?Thank you so much for your kindness Drake. With all of the beautiful images of ships and waterways on your blog, I know your passion for the sea runs deep. A kindred spirit indeed
A perfect arrival by the look of it. Yesterday I came across a letter written by my mother about her first visit to Sydney in 1950. No opera house then. They flew from Nadi to Sydney and were finding Sydney very busy and hectic after Fiji. I would say the best way to arrive in Sydney is by sea. The airport is …..well….an airport.
Best wishes with job hunting.
I can appreciate how your mother found Sydney so busy and hectic after Fiji. I am having the same experience as I reacclimate to big city life. This is my third year of it and it’s always an interesting adjustment. But I feel incredibly welcomed her…and it was definitely a treat to sail in
It’s good to have a mixture of big city and quiet country.
It is. I like both so it’s nice to experience both
PS. I would love to read your Mom’s story
I am just getting to know it. Here’s a cute bit in her account to her parents, ” You may think Auckland fast, but it’s only a pup compared to Sydney.”
? couldn’t agree more
Dear Lisa,
great for you, that you could sail into the bay on the sv together with Fabio. Annette and I had to take a ferry boat to see what you have seen from your boat. Fantastic views. Did I tell that the structurial designwork of the opera was dkne by Sir Ove Arup. I have been working for the office for 13 years. We enjoyed the days we spent in Sydney, and you have months to live there. Have a good time
Thomas + Annette
Ahoy Thomas and Annette! We wish we could have visited here at the same time as you!
It was certainly another bucket list item to sail into beautiful Sydney Harbor. Brought tears to my eyes. I did not know that your Arup Group was the firm behind that architectural masterpiece. Truly one of the coolest buildings on the face of the earth. I love the shot you took of it from the Harbour Bridge when you were here. You’ve motivated me to get it from that angle.
I hope that we get to visit Adelaide and Tasmania as you did. I am quite certain I will make my way to Melbourne at some point.
Hoping you are safe and enjoying calm seas and fair winds (rather than crazy currents and gale force blows).
That Luna Park photo si awesome. Looks slightly surrealistic.
Totally! Like something out of a dream….or a nightmare. Could be a great setting for a a horror movie.