I’ve been absent from these pages in the past month and sadly missing out on many of my favorite blogs.

It’s been a bit of a whirlwind since I last published here as I’ve been busily taking in all that Sydney has on offer.

Sydney’s friendliness and diversity make it the perfect place to transition from island life back into city life.

I’ve often managed to enjoy elegance, edge, and earthiness all in one day.

I’ve spent my free time walking the coastline (Bondi to Coogee and Spit to Manly), photographing the sprawling city streets (Paddington, Darlinghurst, Kings Cross, CBD, Balmain, The Glebe, Newtown, Erskineville, Saint Peters), viewing art in its many forms, and enjoying the company of good friends.

I’ve had visitors from New Zealand (Charlotte) and Oregon (Carol, Chase and Bucky), and spent time with local friends old (Marion) and new (Mark, Stephanie, Patrick, Harrison, Cameron, Stephie, Chris, Stephan, Nathan, Louis and Lewis).

And I’ve joined a sailboat racing team lead by Captain Robert aboard SY Leeward, a Beneteau First 40. I’ve been out with the team on three occasions, and we took 1st Place in our last race (with the help of the talented and calm Dayne Sharp).

Unlike cruising, where we often sail on one tack for many days and do whatever we can to keep comfortable, in racing, we push the boat to its limit and frequently tack and jibe as we work our way around the course.

I haven’t raced since 2011 and am in heaven. No pictures of our outings so far as I’ve been fully engaged in race mode, but expect some sailing photos in upcoming posts.

Oxford Street
On the job search front, I’ve developed a strong network here in Sydney and continue to interview for roles.

Prospects look very promising although work seems to come to a bit of a standstill in Sydney between Christmas and Australia Day (January 26th) so I may not start a role until after then.

The Captain remains in Italy enjoying the company of good friends. He’s happily received a clean bill of health from his doctors.

He also signed a contract to publish the story of his Atlantic sailing journey. The Italian version is due out this September.

Amandla and I are happily awaiting his return on 16 December.

For The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Eye Spy
That first photo knocked me over—one eye in the street art, and a guy passing with one eye and an eye patch. What…you’re like the street photo whisperer? Or you brought the patch and paid that guy to wear it as he walked past? Just what is your secret here, woman? And then, the photos just got better. I’m not quite a fan of the new Aussie evening attire, though.
What’s not to like about blue jeans and button down shirts? All kidding aside, my mom is going to hate that photo when she reads this post. But it does offer a view into King’s Cross nightlife and I shoot it as I see it. Besides, I loved the eye contact between the two passersby.
And a huge thank you for calling me the ‘street photo whisperer’. You’ve made my lifetime. Truly, just another bone from the photography gods. Keeps me coming back for more.
Excellent weaving together of the photographic theme and your narrative. Looks as though you are having a great time
I am so pleased that you think so Anabel! Thank you. Sydney is such a great city. I still find it a bit overwhelming at times but mostly I find it delightful.
Lovely to have you back blogging. Great post with great pics showing real life and street art in Sydney.
? I’ve missed the blogosphere and look forward to catching up. Glad that you enjoyed the view.
Hi Lisa, glad to see you back here and what an entree with red carpet and all!! This post’s narrative of your discoveries in Sydney perfectly illustrated with masterful photos is an ode to brilliant and enticing execution.
Great news about racing, potential jobs, the captdin’s health and a book!!
I’m very happy to hear from you again!
Love from Amsterdam.
Great pictures. So much to discover in this amazing city!
Thank your for your kind compliment. The possibilities for fun in Sydney seem endless!
Some of your best work!
You are absolutely lovely to say so Duncan! I am really having fun ‘taking the streets’ of Sydney.
Fabulous pictures. Well done.
One day we hope to sail to NZ and AUS. For now, we’ll make do with the Caribbean
Mark & Cindy
s/v Cream Puff
After posting this comment, I thought about a post I did a little while ago regarding the street art in St. Petersburg, Florida USA. I thought you might enjoy it. Here is a link: http://www.creampuff.us/2015/04/st-petersburg-the-arts/
Fantastic gallery. And that Salvador Dali Museum is an architectural trip!
The Captain spent 6 years in the Caribbean before setting out to The Pacific. He still recalls it fondly. Take your time. NZ and AUS will be here waiting for you. I rushed through the Caribbean and kind of regret it although I can spend more time there when I get ’round.
PS – And thank you for such a lovely compliment!
Ditto on the weaving together of images and stories. Absolutely loved when you said,”Sydney’s friendliness and diversity make it the perfect place to transition from island life back into city life.” and then you had the image of the young woman who is just hating you. The title of the image makes it even better, “You looking at me.” Irony at its best.
Keep the posts coming and welcome back!
I love that you picked up on my offbeat sense of humor! Thank you for your very generous compliments. Its nice to be back
Where to begin …? Well, at the beginning, I’d say what Badfish said – amazing confluence of art and life AND the theme! And then comes the perfect trifecta of ‘Eye to the Sea,’ ‘Overlook,’ and ‘Watching Venus Rise from the Sea.’ Each is spectacular in its own way – that luscious water, the composition, the light! ‘Contemplation’ and ‘Eyeball’ are just what I love – big, rough facades and little humans adding a spot of life. The whole post was my morning nourishment (along with coffee, of course); I can just feel the Sydney energy and your excitement about being there. Thanks!
?I am happily submerged in your ocean of compliments. Thank you so much. I had a blast putting this together.
Hey Lisa – you have captured Sydney to a T! love the Bondi shot!… two more sleeeeeps and on the plane! yeah!

warmth, sun, beach, sand, waves, ocean, CHRISTMAS! yeah
thanks for warming me up before i get home.
and you gonna stay? get a job? great news!
Sydney is looking forward to your return. This place is just full of activities from now until Australia Day…although you know that. Today was ‘Extreme Sailing’ down at Mrs Macquarie’s chair. Its blazing hot right now but temps should ease tonight and be more moderate when you arrive.
On the job front, my hope is to find a six month contract to replenish the cruising kitty and then keep sailing, but I am considering longer terms. Sydney has so much on offer I am certain to find fun no matter how long I stay.
Great photographs, Lisa. You keep impressing me and many others! I love your strategy: keep us all waiting for a long time and then come back with a BANG!
I don’t mind waiting again for a post like this, but… rather not. Keep them coming.
?Awwww . You are lovely to say so Liesbet. I am really happy you like the images. Had a blast taking them. Love from Sydney
Good to hear from you Lisa! Love the post. I can’t think of a better place to be on land than Sydney! Enjoy!
Thank you Nicole! Sydney seems to offer endless possibilities ?
Fantastic captures, Lisa. Ed on the flying skateboard is my favourite, but that punk rocker chick comes a close second. You have quite the nerve to photograph her. She looks like she might knock the camera out of your hand.
?I’m glad she let me live. Ed was my favorite of the bunch as well. I could have watched him all day long. He it it every time. Thanks for hanging out with me here
Wonderful post Lisa! Such good shots, you are really experiencing the city. Job interviews?! Does that mean you’ll be here a while? How exciting! Such good news about the captain’s health and also his book!! Fabulous.
Ahoy there Desley! Thank you so much for your very kind words. Sydney has got it all going on. My original plan was to find a six month contract to replenish the cruising kitty and then sail on but I am considering longer terms so I may be here for awhile. Certainly not a bad place to drop anchor. Its all good.
That’s great news Lisa. Sydney is such a fun place to explore and so easy to access so many other places from there as well!
Really, I could spend a lifetime exploring Australia and never get bored. If it weren’t for this life dream of circumnavigating, I’d never leave
It’s ok, you can always come back! ?
It’s hard to type, Lisa, with my jaw dropped onto the keyboard! Simply stunning photos! No wonder you haven’t had time to read blogs, you are busy taking amazing photos! And great shots for the WPC theme Eye Spy! Hope you are happy and having a blast. I’ll get some sun and wind in a few weeks in Mexico
You are lovely as always Terri! Thank you so much for your generous compliments. Can not wait to see the snaps from your fun in sunny Mexico. Enjoy
Great photos. It looks like you’re having a wonderful time in Sydney. It sounds like you’re one step away from permanent residency?
I’m hoping to go to The Rocks Village Bizarre tonight if I can find the time. The harbour is the place to be. The Sydney to Hobart Yacht race starts on December 26.
Have a great Christmas down under.
I am truly delighted that you liked the photos. I am LOVING your city. My original plan was to find a six months contract and then sail off into the sunset, but I am now considering longer terms. Its really a win either way. The good news is that no matter what happens, I should be here for Vivid Sydney. I’ve been dreaming of it ever since I saw your posts earlier in the year. Hope you had a blast at The Rocks Village Bizarre. I spent the day watching the Extreme Sail Race over at Mrs Macquarie’s Chair. Blazing hot but enjoyed watching the boats. And you know I will be all over that Sydney Hobart Race. Can Not Wait.
Ho Ho Ho ??
You’re definitely into the Sydney lifestyle now. Great to hear you’re going to see VIVID as well. Don’t forget the tripod.
I just love the street art that you’ve captured so beautifully once again. I’m glad to hear that you are having a fabulous time and all is well down under.
? Am really pleased that you liked the images Janis! Sydney is a treasure trove of photography opportunities ?
So different but all so inspiring – very well captured…
Thank you Drake!
Glad to know you’ve not just been sitting on your butt, street art queen
Long may it continue!
? And it has…..more welcome visits from friends this weekend and a bit of sailing. I think I’ve exhausted myself and am looking forward to a few days of quiet before The Captain returns. Great to hear from you as always Jo! ?
I love the way you have captured the energy and street life of Sydney. Perhaps you should work on your own book of street shots around the world. Good luck with the job search and enjoy Sydney!
Thank you for your well wishes and encouragement Michele! A book of street shots would certainly be a dream come true
A great variety of photos from you, from the sand to sea to the eccentric locals of Australia. Don’t blame you at all for lapping up what Australia has to offer. So much fun to have, and it sounds like you are settling right in. Hopefully you get to do more races soon. It sounds like a lot of fun
Good luck with the job front. It can be challenging but at the same time you get to meet people from different industries, and sort of see what makes them tick if you observe them carefully enough at interviews 
Was able to enjoy more sailing this weekend as an observer (Extreme Sailing Series) and a participant (crewing for my racing Captain on Sunday). This town loves it’s sailing. Thanks for your wise advice on the job front and your lovely compliments on the photos Mabel.
Awesome pictures LIsa! Looks like you are having a grand ole time down under. Can’t wait to see more.
Thank you Gary! Sydney is an easy place to find fun.
Lisa, your photos are amazing. You’ve captured the essence of Sydney so perfectly and in such a short time. I had hoped to get up there and see you before Xmas but time has slipped away too fast. I’m so pleased to hear the Captain is in good health, and with a book deal – how exciting! I’ll send you an email as I have so much more to say and don’t want to clog up your comments space. X
Looking forward to seeing you sometime soon whether in Sydney or Melbourne….or both! Thank you for your very generous compliment on the photos!
I’m with Badfish I think you are the street photography whisperer. So happy to hear of all the good things happening for you Lisa as you settle into Sydney as well as for the Captain in Italy. I’m just about to publish the winners of the quiz we ran and it seems more good news is headed your way.
Congrats and thank you for playing!
Woo Hoo! I’m a winner. Greatly enjoyed your 15 Adrenaline Adventures and looking forward to more! And thank you for the lovely compliment on the photography.
Congrats to you Lisa! Wish I could offer you a trip around the world as a prize. Wait. You already did that.
Sydney is definitely on my “Bucket List”…I live the street art in your photos.
Hi Charlie! I am so sorry its taken me this long to respond to your lovely comment. For some odd reason, your comment ended up in my spam folder. Just discovered it now and wanted to thank you. I hope you find your way to Sydney. This place is AWESOME. Certainly a bucket list destination for me as well, and it did not disappoint. I love this place.
Really good shootin’!
You’re the greatest adventurer!
You’ve made my week with your compliment Allan! Thank you ?
Great pictures, love the action and graffitti shots..actually, all your work is fabulous!
Well you are my hero for today ! Thanks for the lovely compliment ?
You’ve been absent for a good cause. I came back after three months away from blogging. Street life in Sidney looks exciting, but I have to single out your “eye to the sea” – stunning and so inviting.
Thank you Paula! I was looking for one more photo for a contest I was entering today and given that I trust your judgement implicitly, I’ve gone with this one. Fingers crossed!
Really interesting perspective on Sydney life Lisa – you’ve captured some wonderful photos. Yes everything does tend to shut down here in Australia over Christmas and New Year and often until mid January (then there is also Australia Day on the 26th Jan). Very best wishes with everything!
Thank you Rosemary. It is always a pleasure to hear from you! Sydney seems to be starting empty out now. But I expect the ‘fun’ to pick up again with Sydney to Hobart Race on 26 December, Fireworks on #SYDNYE, and Sydney Festival 7 – 26 January. And then hopefully, I will be gainfully employed after that. Wishing you magical holiday season and a happy, healthy and prosperous 2016.
This is such a great gallery of images Lisa-you really can get a sense of the city’s energy and diversity-and the art! Amazing! And afterwards a stroll to the water-you cannot beat that!
? Thank you Meg. Sydney has got it all going on! And we’re looking forward to our first Holiday BBQ here today, surfing Santa and all??! Love to Hubble and Jack Henry
Really great photos! I feel like I just came from a photo exhibition. The detail in all of them, the composition, the thought. Good job!
Well you have just made my day! Thank you for your kind words!
Marvelous street art…
Thank you for your visit and comment Sally! Sydney’s street art is the edgiest that I have seen on my travels so far!
Awesome photos but the first one is spectacular. The colors and the guys walking. Wonderful blend.
Thank you! Got lucky with the timing on that one ?
A very diversified trip. (Ne’er been Down Under. Yet)
Thanks for the photos.
Well thank you Brian. Coming to Australia has been a dream come true. And I still have a few months to enjoy it as we sail up the east coast and over to Darwin. So excited.
I can understand that. I was brought up at the shore of many a sea.
been living in altitude for too long. And I do realize how much I miss the sea.
Enjoy your trip.
I don’t know why, I can’t reply to you from my “notifications”. Must be a bug somewhere.

I wanted to say that you are probably right but I’m afraid the sea will have to wait a bit. (Darn)
You might not be able to reply through notifications because I am a ‘self-hosted’ blog. WordPress.com does not always play nice-nice with WordPress.org. Anyhow, you have lots of things going on and the sea will be there when you are ready. On another note, I thought of you when I received this link on my twitter today for a Fiction contest. Thought you might be interested (although it could be total crap, don’t know) https://www.inkitt.com/grand?utm_source=twb&utm_campaign=grandcontest&utm_medium=twb3&utm_term=1461683126
Thank you Lisa. I had a quick look and saved the link. I’ll read it fully this week-end. One never knows. Have a lovely week-end. B.