Its been a tough month for the crew of Amandla.
The Captain did not receive the ‘clean bill of health’ he’d communicated to me when he was traveling in Italy . I got the real story when he returned to Amandla in mid-December. He wanted to tell me in person rather than over the phone. His cancer is back.

The good news is that he’s arranged an outpatient treatment plan through April with a top doctor in Sydney who is optimistic that he will respond well. Fabio decided to be treated locally rather than in Italy so he could enjoy summer in Sydney and remain on Amandla, his home.

The first of six cycles started in January with some uncomfortable side-effects, but the love of good friends here in Australia and around the globe before and after the treatment has allowed The Captain to remain upbeat.

I am struggling with words these days. For me, photography is offering a welcome source of respite.
To stay sane and hone my craft, I’ve started a ‘Project 366’ daily photo post on my Instagram page. A few highlights from my January gallery appears below.

I’ve also joined Cardinal Guzman’s The Changing Seasons challenge (V2) for 2016, sharing one photo from my portfolio which best represents my interpretation of the month.

The Changing Seasons – January 2016
The Captain is now in-between treatment cycles, so we’ve taken a road trip to Melbourne to see the sights and spend time with friends. More on that in the next post.
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Very sorry to hear the news about the Captain. I hope all goes well with his treatment.
Thank you Anabel. I greatly appreciate your support now and always.
Thank you very much for the entry Lisa. I hope the treatment will go as planned! Stay strong!
Thanks for your support Max. I am very hopeful that I will have more positive news to report as 2016 progresses.
Prayers for treatment results to be awesome health.
Thank you Patricia. Your prayers are very welcome.
Wishing the Captain all the very best with his treatment, Lisa. Love your photos, especially the merry-go-round.
Thank you for your welcome well wishes for The Captain Sylvia. And I am delighted that you liked the photos. I am hiding behind my camera a lot these days as words are not coming easily to me right now.
I can well imagine, Lisa. Sending you warm hugs. xx
Sorry to hear the news, but stay strong and well, we miss you guys a lot and think of the good times we had in Bora Bora, Tahiti, Raiatea and Moorea! We pray for Capt Fabulous to get well soon! Love I & J. And new family member Capt. Morgan.
I pray for all your spirits keep up. Good wishes and healing to the captain.
? Thank you for your prayers and well wishes Eva. Really appreciated ?
May courage and strength be with you and The Captain.
Thank you nelkumi ?
Great photos – sad news about the Captain – let another battle commence
Another battle indeed. But I feel positive that we have more victory in front of us. Thank you so much for your support. And thank you for the compliment on the photo. I will be by Snips and Snaps for a visit soon!
You know you both have my healing thoughts and love. I’m glad you have your photography as a companion who demands no words from you. Love what you’ve put up so far
Your healing thoughts and love are much welcomed Karen. And thank you for support in developing my passion. Speak tomorrow!
Oh, Lisa, this is indeed very tough. All the very best to you both during The Captain’s treatment. Your Merry Go Round shot captures the mood/situation perfectly. Take care.
Thank you so much for your support Jill! Greatly appreciated. And I am glad that you ‘got’ my merry-go-round analogy. The month of January has certainly been that. Really it has been a mix of emotions as we face the ‘beast’ head-on yet, thankfully, continue to be blessed with great moments/friends to buoy our spirits.
Very sorry to hear about the Captain, Lisa. He sounds every bit the fighter, and having sailed so many waters and continents, I’m sure he is giving it his all this time round.
These are gorgeous photos. Wonderful street photography, and it is so nice to see your passion rubbing off on others – they are so willing to pose for you and that doesn’t happen to everyone. Mr Wobbles and I are sending you and your crew lots of love and strength <3
We welcome the much needed love and strength that you and Mr Wobbles are sending our way. The Captain is indeed a fighter and I have great confidence in his ability to weather this storm. And thank you for your continued support of my street photography passion. Your compliment made me smile.
PS. Am still keeping my eye out for a pink Mrs Wobbles. I know she is out there.
Hi Lisa, a huge bear hug to you and the captain. Having been in this situation, as my young brother fought cancer, I relate to your feelings. There isn’t much to say indeed. It’s not needed either. The most important is to be there for him and to surround him with strength and love, so he can fight back, while life goes on as usual.
Your photography is beautiful, heartwarming and meaningful. With words or images, you express yourself with authenticity and captivates our hearts. Thanks for sharing. Keep strong and please send my best wishes to the captain.
You have once again proven to be a kindred spirit Lucile. I was just saying to Desley and Michelle when I saw them in Melbourne that you are so eloquent in expressing what I feel (but can not manage to articulate) when it comes to humanitarian issues. And now, your heartfelt words and empathy (and compliments!) have served to buoy our spirits and make me feel stronger. Your well wishes and hugs are very welcome here on Amandla.
Beautiful images. Well-wishing.
Thank you for your well wishes and compliments Manja! Greatly appreciated.
I am very sorry to hear about these sad news. I wish all the best for the treatment. Keep well!
Lovely to hear from you. Greatly appreciate your support and well wishes.
Cancer sucks! We wish The Captain well. God speed.
Mark & Cindy
s/v Cream Puff
Well said! Cancer does indeed suck. Thank you very much for making us smile and for your well wishes.
Our thoughts are with you both, Lisa. Wish we could be there in person, but know that we are virtually sending you strength, positive vibes and the energy and spirits needed to fight yet another battle. You and Fabio are a good team for the fight. You and your camera are the perfect team for the sanity. Love and hugs!
We miss you and Mark very much and wish you were here! We would love to catch up on Skype when you have a moment. Could use a lot more Liesbet love. I am excited to read that your book is progressing and look forward to the day when I can say ‘I knew her when’.
Lisa I am so sorry to read the news of the Captain requiring more treatment. I am sending hugs and positive energy across the miles and hope that your time in Melbourne provides distraction. No doubt you have a strong support network however should you need an extra ear or shoulder mine will be close by in the journey ahead. xo
Your hugs, positive energy and ear are all welcome Sue. Melbourne was a great distraction both in terms of sights and the company of good friends. We have just arrived home this evening and are getting resettled. I have just dropped you a line to see if we might arrange a coffee or drink when your travels bring you to Sydney. That would be awesome.
Just yesterday I was saying that I wondered what you were up to … this is not what I was imagining in my mind.
I do hope the healing days of summer and the love of friends and crew and others help the Captain fight back successfully. Many of us recently posted on optimism; since I generally have it in spades, I’m beaming some across the ocean to you right now!
Optimism received and welcome Lexi! Love and warmth are definitely aiding The Captain and I am positive that he has a long life (and many more anchorages) ahead of him.
Make memories–lots and lots of memories. Take lots of pictures to capture moments.Nothing more I can say. My mom died young after a 15 year battle with cancer.
I am so sorry to hear about your mother. Such a long fight. Always horrible to lose a loved one, especially ‘before their time’ when they are young. Your advice is very, very wise. The ‘moments’ are what is getting us by and the memories will last forever.
Thoughts and prayers for you and The Captain
Your thoughts and prayers are very welcome Joe. Thank you.
Lisa, your photos are a healing balm to all of us and bring so much joy. Be there for your friend and surround him with love! My blessings to you and prayers for healing and peace to you and your friend! My love and best to you, my friend!
Thank you Terri for your blessings, prayers love and support. Greatly appreciated. I miss your pages and will be by to visit soon.
That sucks about the cancer so sorry, although I can’t wait to see pictures from Melbourne!
Couldn’t agree more Gary. Cancer does indeed suck. Melbourne was a welcome distraction though….full of friends, street art, emus and kangaroos!
So sorry to hear the news. Sending massive amounts of good Karma your way!
Your support is very welcome. Thank you so much.
Lisa & Fabio , We wish for both the best possible outcome and know that as sailors you already possess the skills needed to face this challenge , positivity , tenacity , endurance & courage.
John & Leanne (Down Under Rally)
Thank you John and Leanne. Your words are very wise and encouraging. I believe that The Captain has many more anchorages in his future…and very possibly another Down Under Rally this year. The plan is to sail the upcoming season in Papua New Guinea, Solomons, Vanuatu and New Cal and then return to Australia for treatments as necessary in October.
I am sending positive vibes for good health to the Captain! My father starts chemo and radiation for lung cancer on Wednesday. I wish us both strength as we support our loved ones. I’m glad you have photography to be a outlet.
?Sending positive vibes, love and support back your way Michele. Our thoughts and prayers are with your father. Treatments have come along way and I remain positive of the outcomes on your side and ours. Hugs.
I’m so sorry to hear that his cancer is back. That he is surrounded by loved ones and the beauty of Australia will help his healing, I’m sure. Your pics, as usual, are beautiful. I’m off to Instagram to follow you.
Thank you for your support and kind words Janis. Beauty and love are very powerful tools and I am positive that The Captain will emerge healthy and ready to sail onward.
Very saddened to hear but know that you are both surrounded by great friends & a positive attitude. The beast will be beaten! We miss you & you’re always in our thoughts! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything.
I can not tell you how much your support means to me Kitty and how wonderful it is to hear from you now. I am very homesick and missing CS (how crazy am I to miss work :-). I too am positive that this beast will be beaten and that The Captain has many anchorages in his future.
Lisa, I am so sorry to read this news. I did not know that he had cancer before. I’m not sure you knew because you just started following my blog last year when I went to Bolivia but my father is a cancer survivor. We had that trip planned and had to cancel it as he had aggressive stage 4 bladder cancer and needed 6 months of chemo. It was perhaps one of the worst times of my life. I couldn’t think and was not myself. It took a year to get myself back to normal even after we got the clean bill of health. He still needs to go every three months for a scan and he still has anxiety about it as bladder cancer can reoccur. Hang in there. I know how awful it is when a loved one is going through it all. Thinking of you and sending you thoughts and hugs….
Thank you Nicole. I do remember about your father and was cheering when he was able to join your journey in Bolivia six months after chemo. It is stories like that which encourage us. I appreciate your fears that the bladder cancer will recur, but am glad that he is not letting his fear stand in the way of living life to its fullest.
The Captain was treated for throat cancer in 2011. It reappeared as a liver tumor in early 2015 which he had successfully removed in New Zealand. Within 45 days, we were off and sailing to Fiji as The Captain had no other signs of cancer at that time. Scans in November revealed it had returned, but only in the lymph nodes. We are very optimistic that the treatment will be successful and that The Captain has many anchorages ahead of him. We are the ‘cancer boat’. I too am a cancer survivor (breast) but haven’t talked about that much on these pages..really only in comments. I will share more on that story someday, but right now, am finding the greatest comfort behind my lens.
Oh Lisa, thanks so much for the comment. Yes cancer absolutely sucks and is awful. I was so happy to hear about Obama and Bidens pledge for $1 billion to fight cancer! I almost jumped up with joy. Way too many people have been impacted by it and we can all count dozens of friends and family members who have endured cancer. I am very hopeful we will find a cure as I even look now at how breast cancer used to be so less treatable and now know so many survivors! As for lymph nodes, both my mom (she had cancer too in the thyroid) and dad had it there and my sister’s neighbor had melanoma and had like 100 lymph nodes in his throat removed and is doing great now. So yes, so much hope. WE are fortunate for the amazing medical advances we have! Yes, keep photographing and smiling. Sounds like the Captain is a fighter! Just like my dad and you I’m sure!
It is amazing how many people seem to be impacted by cancer, the numbers to me seem to be growing, but maybe I am just more aware of it…or maybe I am just getting older. But the number os survivors does also seem to be increasing which gives me great hope. I too was thrilled to hear of the Obama-Biden pledge…let’s cure cancer once and for all!
Prayers for your Captain. Always enjoy reading your blogs.
Thank you so much for your prayers Mia. Very welcomed and appreciated.
JEESH. Life is just not fair, eh. Give my best to the Captain. I thought about doing that Changing Seasons gig, but never quite got to it…or anything else.
Life is unfair indeed Mr Badfish. Thank you for your support and well wishes. I hope you eventually join in The Changing Seasons gig. It is a great community…and they would LOVE YOU! I have been reading your blog (you never fail to entertain me) but have been to crazed to leave comments. I will be by later this week to rectify that. Cheers!
I am sorry to hear this news, Lisa. Hope the photo project will help get through it. I had no idea you are doing this interesting project..stay strong <3
Thank you so much for your support Indah. Very much appreciated!
Sorry to hear this news. It sounds like the Captain has chosen life and to continue living and being happy. I trust the treatment progresses well.
The Captain has indeed chosen life and has many anchorages ahead of him. He is in good shape and ready for Cycle 2 of treatment on Tuesday. Thank you so much for your support.
Sorry about the Captain but he is at least where he wants to be and living on his terms.
Your photo project is going beautifully and I enjoy following it.
The girls have seen most of the photos.
The last photo (Guy by the Merry Go Round is still my favorite.
Take care.
Thank you for your support and lovely compliment. Greatly appreciated. You are so right. The Captain is living life on his terms which makes this situation far more palatable.
My thoughts and hope passed on to the Captain, may he sail through his treatments! Keep up the great photo’s Lisa! I wish it were summer here!!
((hugs)) T.
Hugs received and welcome Teresa! The first treatment was a bit rough, but The Captain fully recovered just in time for the second. They reduce the amount of medicine, and he seems to be doing fine with the second round…but the side effects may not show up for another week. The Captain’s spirits are very high and the doctors feel positive that he has many anchorages ahead of him. Thanks for the compliment on the photos. Sending some summer sunshine your way ?
Words are sometimes not big enough. I glad you are finding comfort in photography. Kia Kaha.
Thank you so much for your supportive words! They were exactly what I needed today.
Sorry I’m late reading this update, Lisa but all my best thoughts are on their way for your Captain’s second round of treatment.
? Lisa for your best thoughts and support. Greatly appreciated. Round two has been much less painful than round one thank goodness. No major side effects, just a bit of discomfort. Round 3 is March 1 and then scans on March 15 to assess progress. #Hopeful
He will be OK. He has you by his side.
Thank you so much for your support Paula. I am very hopeful.
So sad to hear about the Captain. I almost don’t know a person around me who-(-se loved one) hasn’t been affected by that nasty thing. But… on the other hand, there have been quite a few victories as well. My best wishes.
Thank you so much for your well wishes Klara! I know what you mean….it seems everyone is affected by cancer today either directly or through a loved one. We celebrate the small victories along the way. The Captain is now on round 3 of chemo treatment and lucky for him, the side effects have lessened and he is able to live life to its fullest. Fingers crossed that his resilience continues.