Amandla has returned to Opua from Mahurangi Harbor, stopping in a few new anchorages (Tutukaka, Whangamumu) along the way. And with the addition of sunshine, even familiar sights took on a whole new perspective.

After five consecutive sunlit, temperate days, it appears that summer has finally arrived in New Zealand and so, the crew of Amandla are readying for our next adventure.

First, more boat repairs (windlass, engine muffler, dinghy leak, GPS antenna receiver), mail pickup, (parts for future rudder repair), ‘spring’ cleaning (the maid has been a bit remiss lately) and provisioning.

Then, it’s off to the South Island, either under sail (weather permitting) or by car.

We’ve seen some amazing sights in the North Island but hear that the South Island has even more to offer.
Can’t wait!

Oh, summer! The pictures and description of life in Tutukaka and other places sounds wonderful. The New York area? Dark and cold. It’s back to work after the holiday season. Keep the great posts and photos coming!
Wonderful to hear from you Barbara. I hope you and Dan had a lovely holiday season. I have been a bit homesick lately, but am not missing the short, crisp days of Winter. Only 73 days until Spring!
Thank you Nicole!
Dear Lisa,
it’s fantastic to see some of the places again where we were before as well. Good to know that you both had a good trip back to Opua after our great New Year’s Eve celebration. We enjoy the good weather in Auckland.
Hope to see you soon, we will be back in Whangarei at the 13.01.15.
Thank you Thomas! I certainly hope that we see you during our South Island tours.
Love the photos. Glad you got sunshine
Thank you Ellen! Sunshine certainly helps to chase away the Wintertime (Summertime) blues!
Que fotos tan maravillosas Lisa, y sus colores parecen aún más llamativos en el invierno de Europa, con tanto frío y heladas.
Thank you Maria! Europe must feel especially cold right now given your recent travels in Lima. Luckily, you have the warmth of your beautiful grandchildren to lessen the Winter’s chill.
Aloha Lisa and Captain,
Looks like the new year will beautiful for you both. All is good here on the isle of big….enjoying our dry weather, blue skies and sparkling waters….getting in the water with Mary after our dawn walks. Life is good. Fabio going to Italy? Aloha to you both. Love the pics! Susi
Miss you and the isle of Big very much! I wish I was there for dawn walks with you and Mary. The pictures you share from them are gorgeous!
The Captain is no longer planning to go to Italy so we have lots of time for your to come visit!
This post has breathed new life into me, thank you