We left Nabavatu Plantation on 7 July and set sail for Wailagilala. As we were approaching the anchorage, we were hailed on the VHF by our friends on SY Mersoleil. Apparently, a boat had gone up on the rocks just outside the pass on Vanua Balavu and they were concerned that it was SY Amandla. Luckily, that was not the case. A bit of confusion ensued as we could hear SY Mersoleil but they could not hear us.

Finally, after we had dropped anchor, we were able to send a radio relay via our friends on MV Domino to let SY Mersoleil know we were not at risk. Whew! Now it was time to relax. But while we enjoyed a sprawling, empty beach in Wailagilala, we were also treated to a lively anchorage.

After two days of rolling, we decided to lift anchor and take an overnight sail to meet up with our friends on SY Exit Strategy in Paradise…a wonderful, very yacht friendly resort on the southwest tip of Taveuni Island. Unfortunately, the forecasts had changed so we only stayed in Paradise long enough to procure some fresh produce from their garden of eden.

But we were hooked and knew we’d be back when the weather was right.

After a two hour sail from Paradise, we picked up one of Jack Fisher’s mooring balls in Viani Bay and immediately went to sleep. We had just done an overnight passage and were in need of a few winks.

After we awoke, Jack, the patriarch of Viani Bay, came over and introduced himself. Jack is legendary for his knowledge of dive / snorkel spots in the area and for his wonderful tales. Jack also acts as the intermediary for the chief of the region, so we did an informal Sevusevu with him on SY Amandla and enjoyed his many stories.

We were then treated to two days of inclement weather although we were very comfortable in the anchorage. On the third day, we finally set out with Jack and Ilene and Ken, the crew of SY Silver Ruffian, to the Fishfarm for our first of three Rainbow Reef snorkels.

It was just a small part of an expansive underwater nirvana.

One could spend multiple seasons here and many do.

My burgeoning photography skills don’t do it justice.

The next day, John from MV Tiger joined our group and Jack took us out on the Long Boat to do a drift snorkel along the Pass to the Mini Cabbage Patch.

We were out again the following day, this time Dean and Sabina from SY Local Talent, Margy and Monty from SY Whistler and Sergio and Johanna from SY Spirare joined the growing group of snorkelers.

After three days of snorkeling, it was time for some land based fun. I signed on with the crews of SY Silver Ruffian and SY Whistler for a trip to the Tavoro Waterfalls in Taveuni.

Jack Fisher arranged everything. He ferried us over to Meridian in Taveuni where we procured some very inexpensive vegetable and chicken Roti (FJ$ 1.2 a piece) for lunch and then took ah hour long taxi ride to Bouma National Heritage Park.

The trails to the Tavoro Waterfalls in the Park were somewhat steep but wonderfully maintained. And we were rewarded with a swim underneath the falls after the ascent.

We hiked to the first two waterfalls. There was a third section with three more falls that were supposed to be AMAZING (and also swimmable) but we had to get back to town for some provisioning and so we missed them.

After returning to town and provisioning, we headed over to an International Dateline landmark in Meridian.

It was my birthday on the ‘Today’ side of the Dateline.

Image Courtesy Margy Krause
And the great thing about being on the Dateline was that I got to celebrate my birthday two days in a row.

For Day 2 of the birthday celebration, we returned to the Paradise Resort to dine with our friends Dean and Sabina. The celebration included a large chocolate cake courtesy of the Resort.
After enjoying a few wonderful days in Paradise, we are lifting anchor at midnight to sail onward to Suva via Makongi, Ovalau, and Beqa.

I don’t know if we will have internet over the next 10 days but I am certain we will enjoy many beautiful sunsets.
great pictures and fun…
Thank you Jane. I’m delighted you liked the photos. And ‘Twas fun indeed
Family living on the International Dateline is one excellent photo and this is a lovely account. Thank you.
Just freakin lovely! I think you were very lucky to see the Pacific so Pacific!!! Those photos on glass water are remarkable, and probably rare. Tell me…what does SY stand for in front of ship names. And do we call it a ship or a boat?
Oh…and “Duncan” looks very cool. RED legs. But it looks like your Duncan needs a newer, bigger shell. He doesn’t fit inside the thing. thanks for the ping…
Where does your Duncan find his upgrades
I buy him shells from a crab site. There are a bunch lying around on the floor. His “cage” is the master bedroom/office in my apartment. He has the run of the room. I also have many other kinds of shells, and two big buckets of sand, one wet, one dry for him to walk a planck up and down out of…he’s a hoot.
Your Duncan has got it really good. Perhaps it is the Wailagilala Hermit Crabs that are dreaming of having Duncan’s life.
All his needs are pretty much taken care of. Though, I understand they are very social, and he’s all alone, with no partner. I may fill a bit of the void?
He is lucky to have you as his ‘wing-man’ but I think he needs a Duncanette
Is something wrong with your blog? I tried to reply to previous comment a number of times, and it “failed to send”??? If you get this, let me know!
Right…a Duncanette with red legs
? Got it
PS . Definitely a Duncanette with red legs. I think the one featured on this post was trying to attract him with her ‘mini-skirt’ ?
Yeah, real mini. That girl needs a new dress, a bigger one!
Well thank you so very much Mr Badfish! I’m glad you think so! SY stands for ‘Sailing Yacht’. And we call it a sailboat, a sailing vessel, a boat, a ship, or a dream. Take your pick
A Dream come true, eh? I wonder how long people plan on doing that…taking off and sailing the world? First, you gotta get real good at sailing. Then, fixing stuff. Then finding a Lisa for company. So much to do…
Does that mean double the presents too? Happy Birthday
unfortunately not, but then sailing Fiji on one’s birthday is kind of like getting double presents. Thank you for the birthday wishes
Happy Birthday!
Thank you so very much for the birthday wishes Nelkumi. Sorry for the delay in responding. Have spent several days in an anchorage without internet.
Happy Birthday–twice.
Thank you for the wishes x2 :-). Sorry for the delay in responding. Spent several days in an anchorage without internet.
No worries. I figured you had no internet.
Happy (belated) birthday, Lisa! I’ll write you a proper note soon! Kirsten
Ahoy from Viti Levu Kirsten! So wonderful to hear from you. Hope you are having a lovely summer. Thanks for the b-day wishes. Was in the anchorage at Makogai (the former leper colony and now marine reserve) and there was no coverage. It was nice. Miss you!
Loved your happy captain on the beach, and your burgeoning camera skills!
Oh, what a paradise, Lisa! Very belated birthday wishes. I think they all came true 
Thank you for your kind words and birthday greeting Jo! Fiji is indeed Paradise. Definitely a dream come true. Sorry for my delay in responding once again..internet connection was lacking in our last (wonderful) anchorage in Makogai.
I absolutely LOVE that last photo. Simply beautiful!
I am so pleased that you liked the photo Olivia! Fiji definitely delivers on sunsets!
Fiji, the way the world should be.
Happy Birthday.
Indeed :-). Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. Apologies for my delay in responding. I have spent the last week in Makogai (former leper colony and now a mariculture reserve) without internet. Are you familiar with it?
Indeed, but not as a mariculture reserve which I am pleased to learn. I haven’t visited Makogai but my father visited there often, especially when it was being used as a research island for livestock (sheep, I think.)
Well how cool is that! There is a man on the island who was brought there as a child during the leper colony days (his parents worked there) and remained as the island transitioned. I bet your father met him.
He probably did!
Glad that you’re safe and sound.
That fourth picture is beautiful.
Thank you Allan! It was unusual to see the Pacific Ocean look like a lake.
Lovely, lovely, lovely on all counts. Happy Birthday, my friend! So good to see you in that “dateline” photo!
Ahoy from Viti Levu Janice! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and sorry for the delay in responding. Have spent the last six days in an anchorage sans internet. ‘Twas lovely! Miss you!
Looks like everyone else has said it before me, but Happy Birthday!
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes John! Greatly appreciated
Chocolate cake. Yum!! I missed your birthday
so happy belated birthday. Looks like you had a wonderful time!
What a wonderful treat for me when I returned to the land of internet and received your birthday wishes and advice on the photography competition. Will have a read this afternoon and am certain send some follow on questions. Thanks to Mick as well.
Your photos are so beautiful and inspiring! You truly are living the dream. Happy birthday!
Well thank you Janis! I appreciate the compliments and the birthday wishes. I am a lucky girl.
Maybe a little late but Happy Birthday…
Amazing captures, so fascinating…
Thank you Drake for your birthday wishes and lovely compliments :-). Greatly appreciated!
Happy Birthday Lisa from everyone at Little Dogs Laughed ( especially Master Hubble)!!!
Thank you Meg to you and the whole Little Dogs Laughed family!
Now THAT’s the way to spend a birthday (or two)! Oh, that placid water in Taveuni and Viani Bay is incredible – so inviting and cool-looking. I am so glad I followed this blog a while ago; I am getting a taste of something I never imagined I’d see through a “regular” person’s eyes. My interest and curiosity level in that whole watery world has grown tremendously thanks to you.
Well thank you Lexie! I am delighted to be traveling with you virtually here and on your blogs. When I sail homeward someday, I look forward to meeting you in person in Chi town
Was thrilled to receive your birthday wishes and wonderful compliment when we returned to internet land….and even better was to Skype with you this morning! Miss you. Fancy a sail to Australia?
To witness such beauty!! Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you so much for saying so AND thank you for the birthday tweet with the lovely picture! Sorry I didn’t respond earlier. Was in an remote anchorage without internet.
That is so awesome! Not many people can say they were in a remote area! Enjoy your life and journey!
Stunning photos, Lisa! The waterfall ascent photos look incredible!! And happy, happy birthday, girlfriend!!
Thank you so much for your lovely and welcome compliments and wonderful birthday wishes. I had wanted to enter this one in The Leisure Link but was afraid I would be without internet (and I was) and couldn’t fully participate (e.g. enjoy the blog posts of others). I look forward to returning to the link- up when it is back on in September and I have sufficient connectivity. Cheers!
No problem!! You can still link up through 8/1, if your internet holds out, but no pressure, as you sail the high seas!!
Happy Birthday! I guess you will take the good wishes even it is late! I enjoy following your travels. And the blue image is just gorgeous! Happy sailing!
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and lovely compliment! Birthday wishes are welcome whenever they come!
Happy, happy birthday, Lisa! How special to celebrate two days in a row.
So glad to hear you are doing well and your adventures sound so wonderful. I especially love your last picture of sunset in Paradise. Absolutely gorgeous…looks like a painting.
Well thank you Britta for your birthday greeting and for your compliment! Always a pleasure to hear from you ?
Of course! So good to hear from you, too, and hope all is well out at sea.
Happy Birthday!
Your photos are eye catching and warming to the heart!
We had our boat for 6 years and covered 7800 NM. Now me thinks time to escape dirt world again and continue where we left off on our adventure.
July 19th your BD? I celebrated my BD yesterday, July 20th.
Kindred spirits I suspect in many ways.
Fair winds and following seas!
John & Susna
??? Happy (Belated) Birthday! Kindred spirits indeed
. Six years on-board is very impressive. Would love to see you out here again although it seems like your land adventure is wonderfully fun as well! Really pleased you liked the photos.
Hehe. Celebrating your birthday two days in a row. Sneaky you!
Happy belated birthday, Lisa. That was a great celebration in paradise. I wish you continued health, happiness and many more adventures circumnavigating the world.
This post is enticing and kept me reading it and looking at all photos countless times. Stunning photos! What a calm water and magic scenery.
Although the pacific is not sweats like that, it can only have been a birthday gift for you from Neptune. Well deserved.
Your friends were really anxious about the bad news and what a relief to fear that it was another boat. Friendship is a precious gift too.
My dearest, keep enjoying paradise. I’m grateful for your kindness to share it with us. You have so much beauty surrounding you.
Greetings from Amsterdam.
I think you are a birthday gift from Neptune Lucile :-). A welcome friend in the virtual anchorage. I am encouraged by your kindness and transported by your artistic talents.
Lisa, your words are heartwarming and I’m grateful and honored to deserve them.
It’s so fascinating to have met only virtually and yet feel connected to you like an old soul and friend.
Contrary to the believers of the malefic effects of social media, here on the blogosphere we bloggers are experiencing how we can truly connect on a human level, and build friendships virtually, which surely will extend to meetings in person.
I’ve already met Desley, Mara, Justine, Andy and Veronica, all fantastic human beings and
One day I will have the honor to meet you too! That’s in my must do list. ?
Likewise ;-). Looking forward to that day.
I have been so busy learning sailing that I haven’t been on WordPress for almost a month. Happy Belated Birthday(s).
I am delighted to know that you are honing your sailing skills and are preparing for your first cross lakes race (per your latest post)! So excited. Can’t wait to hear the results. Thanks for the birthday wishes
What an incredible account of an amazing journey Lisa – I’m spellbound by your stories and the wonderful photos you’ve taken! Paradise is an apt name for the resort you briefly stopped off in I’m sure! Also belated “Happy Birthday” greetings! Great that you could celebrate 2 days in a row
? Thank you so much Rosemary for the birthday wishes and wonderful compliments ?
Wow, those photos are gorgeous! I loved that one of the fish nibbling at the cabbage underwater. It looks amazing, wish I could go there! Thank you for the post
I am so pleased that you liked the images. Thank you so much for your lovely compliment! Greatly appreciated ?
The snorkeling here looks absolutely amazing! I’m always underwhelmed by my own snorkeling photos. They never seem to quite capture the brilliance and beauty that I saw with my own eyes. Thanks for writing about this place – Paradise is now going on my snorkeling bucket list!
Snorkeling pictures are seriously tricky. My skills have gotten better over time, but I still take mostly horrible shots. What was good about Fiji was the shallow reefs and walled drop-offs that allowed closer proximity to the subjects. Also, the waters did not seem overfished at the time. The fish were abundant and more curious than scared. And the coral was super healthy. I highly recommend a visit to Paradise (or Namena Island). Great people. Amazing underwater world.