No, I haven’t sailed off the edge of the earth. In fact, quite the opposite actually.

On our recent sailing passage from South Africa to Brazil, I crossed my 360th degree of longitude, completing my first full circle at 004° 53′ East, traveling from 52° 22′ North to 21° 57′ South …the long way.

I am happy to confirm that the world is round indeed.
Since my last post on South Africa, I have so many stories that I want to share.

Tales of wandering the Namibian ghost town of Kolmannskuppe alone at nightfall,

of taking on Big Mama, one of Mother Nature’s most exquisitely sculpted sand dunes in Sossusvlei, Namibia,

of the joys that followed my failed pursuit of the perfect Instagram photo at Victoria Falls in Zambia,

of being kissed by ^ THIS ^ Whale Shark in St Helena, and so much more.
But after a 20-day, 7000-kilometer 4×4 Safari through Southern Africa followed by a 3800 nautical mile sail across the South Atlantic Ocean to Brazil, I need a bit more time to spin these yarns.
In the interim… you may recall that I’ve been nominated for a celebrated Annual Bloggers Bash Award in the category of ‘Best Travel Blog’. Well, voting has now opened!

I hope you will kindly click through to the Annual Bloggers Bash Awards, then scroll down to Best Travel Blog 2019 and vote for Lisa Dorenfest. No account or personal information is required. Just click here, scroll, and vote.
Voting is open until 21:00 (BST) on the 24th of April 2019, so act now!

Many thanks from beautiful Olinda, Brazil, the place of yet another story to follow.
**Updated 15 June 2019 – Delighted to announce that Lisa Dorenfest has won The Annual Bloggers Bash Award for Best Travel Blog 2019. Many thanks to all my readers **
Feature Image from Myanmar because it is nearly an antipode of where we are and I felt like it
Voted! You so totally rule. Love that photo of you, especially, but all the photos are magnificent. What a wild few months you’ve had. I so wanted to visit Klomanskop when I was in Namibia, but didn’t have time. So looking forward to all of your tales. I think maybe you did sail off the end of the Earth…into Heaven. Enjoy your down time in Brazil.
Your love has me smiling from ear-to-ear. My inner five-year-old was thrilled to be on full display in that picture with the conch-shell! Sailing off the edge of the ‘practical world’ has been heavenly indeed. Thank you so much for the vote but even more so for your friendship, poetry, and wisdom.
You are so very welcome and likewise.
Bemvinda no Brazil. (Bemvindos!) I take it your trip was pleasant? Welcome to the land of dreams, of macumba and Yemanja, of Candomble and bossa nova. Of Tom Jobim and Gal costa… The list is too long. Brazil is soooo rich. Try a cachaça, or a batida de côco.
Até logo, Lisa.
You entice with your knowledge of all things Brazilian but sadly, our time here is limited before we make our next passage (2000 nm) to Grenada. Luckily, we’ve enjoyed a wonderful little taste of the place in Olinda (not so much in Cabedelo where the boat is moored …but that is a good thing as there is nothing there to distract from boat work :-). I wish we could have been in Olinda for Carnaval but the beauty of arriving here afterward is we have the place to ourselves. Just us and the residents. It has been heavenly. We will return here once more before we sail to luxuriate in its colorful confines. Obrigada pela sua visita.
Obrigado eu… Are you sailing soon to Grenada? What’s the rush?

(And boat work is always a must right?)
(As for Brazil I did two summer trips in College, with friends form Brazil so we traveled up and down and I ended up picking up the language) It is a lovely country. Very rich culture. Great food and booze.
Boat work indeed. Such is the life of a sailor. I do hope we have some land travels in Central and South America in our future (plan is Columbia and San Blas later this year). Brazil is the perfect place for the college traveler.
I here Costa Rica is full of beautiful national parks. That’s where I want to go someday.
I hope to visit Costa Rica too in the next year or so!
I look forward to seeing more amazing photos.
Colombia is a very pretty country. You will love it. And it is mostly safe now. San Blas, San Blas? In Colombia? There must be many place called thus id LAt Am.
Now think Brazil in ’72 and ’75… Another world!
Be good.
Colombia looks like it will be a great place for family to visit and a good base to explore other parts of South America. San Blas is a Panamanian achipelago that is home to the Guna people #cannotwait
Again I had to look it up. There a San Blas in Colombia too. Inland. The one you’re talking about is indeed quite a way West.
And yes, Colombia is a good place for family. Lots of coast too, and harbours.
(And voted, too!)
Boa sorte…
(You need to learn some Portuguese. The captain might find it easy. Or not.)
Thank you for the vote and well wishes (in Portuguese to boot!). Lucky for me, the Captain is a natural when it comes to the romance languages. Italian, Spanish and French have provided the perfect bridge to his understanding Portuguese and we are having no trouble getting around. I act as a translator when we visit places such as Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa as The Captain only speaks NYC English!
Haha! Nawyork english? That is a language in its own right. Are you from NY? I don’t think I asked. And the Captain has understood or felt the bridges between all romance languages. (Did he study Latin?). Once you understand the structure, they’re all relatively easy. Boa viagem no Brasil.
(have you tried to sail to Salvador?)
I am a citizen of the world but my official residence is NYC. The Captain is a native Italian speaker and Spanish is his second language (his mother is from Mexico near Vera Cruz). He learned French when he was a ski instructor at the Leysin, Switzerland (quickly so that he could both instruct and charm the ladies on the slopes). He taught himself English in college. The Captain has sailed to Salvador on a different boat but he opted not to visit there this time. Didn’t want to add miles to our journey and he wanted to visit a friend who lives near here in Porto de Galinhas. Next time around
Next time indeed. Now Veracruz? So he is a “Jarocho”?

yes, we all are citizens of the world. And as good sailor you have friends in every port.
How long are you staying in Brazil?
Sounds like a good plan. Had to look it up on the map, it ‘s the Eastern arc of the Caribbeans. North of Trinidad. I thought it was further west.
As an aside, being on a boat, must make you guys experts on maps!
The world map is pretty much etched in my head at this point
I can pretty much imagine. My own travels left me with a pretty good map, but air or land travel ain’t the same thing.
Done. Looking forward to the stories that are yet to come!
Thank you so much for your vote and for relaunching your wonderful ‘On Books‘ Review series. I am desperate for some new reads for our passage to Grenada and you have never failed me with your recommendations!
Thank-you Lisa. I must say that my New Year challenge to myself, of posting a review of each book I read is proving very rewarding. Soon, maybe at the sixth month mark I’ll do a review of the best of the best so far.
I think that is a fantastic idea! Looking forward to it.
Voted with no hesitation. Good luck, Lisa. Love your photos. What an exciting trip and I’m so happy you found that the world is indeed round.

Now that I have confirmed that the world is round, I find myself longing to take a victory lap
Want to spend more time in Polynesia, SE Asia, and Southern Africa. Thank you so much for the love Sylvia!
I’m sure you’ll realize this ambition, Lisa. The world is a wonderful and exciting place.
It is indeed! Appreciate your faith in me and in this magical world of ours!

Hi, Lisa – Once again your photos are stunning. I want to read more!
I already voted for you this morning. Good luck!!!
Ahoy there Donna! Thank you so much for voting for me and for your generous compliments on the photos. Speaking of travel, your most recent post on packing tips to hike The Camino was very insightful. And what is not to love about convertible pants?!?
Thanks, Lisa! I greatly appreciate your kind words!
So glad to hear and see that you’re surrounded by beauty and that the world is indeed round. <3 I even voted, which must have been my first time. Looking forward to all of you stories! Greetings to you and Brazil! Ooo very linda!
The world is a beautiful place indeed! Am considering a ‘victory lap’ as there is so much more to see out there (and much that I would love to visit a second time around). How lovely are you to bring out a vote for me and for sharing my post on Twitter! Big hugs from The New World
Victory Lap! Here you have it, a title of your book.
First, congratulations! On the circumnavigation, and on the nomination. I have voted! Looking forward to more stories from you.
Always a pleasure to see you here Alison. Thank you as always for your support. It was a HUGE milestone to complete my ‘full circle’ (360°) but I still need to cross one of my ‘outbound lines’ north of here to officially complete a circumnavigation. That will most likely happen in Panama later this year. So much fun I am thinking of going around again!
So glad I got to vote for you! Congrats on your accomplishment!!
Awwww. You are lovely!. Thank you for coming through to the blog, for the vote, and for the share on FB!
Congrats to both of you for finding your way safely to South Africa and on Patrick’s Ocean Voyager Cover Shot! #inspirational
Love these photos and the hint of the stories to come! I’m glad the world is round. Good luck in the Bash Awards
Your name jumped off that long list of Best Lifestyle Bloggers 2019! Great to see you up for an ABBA again this year. Thank you for your visit and lovely feedback on the images.
Thanks so much Lisa, you are very talented!!
I voted too. You must win, Lisa! Those Namibian shots are so enticing. We were there fleetingly in 2003 when other half was hopeful of a posting to an agricultural project in the north. I wandered round Windhoek and that was it, though I was enormously impressed by Windhoek airport! That shot of the Zambian falls brought back memories too – 1992-3 when G was seconded to the EU Delegation to handle distribution of food aid. We went down to Livingstone to check on maize supplies and I walked along that path, and took a similar photo – only there was not a drop of water going over on the Zambian side then. Had to scramble across the river bed to get a view of the Zim falls, and guided by a lad ended up on Livingstone Island in a total downpour. So happy to hear from you again, and so glad you’ve proved the world is round
It amazes me to think of the Zambian side of the falls sans water as it was there in abundance during our visit. It sounds like you found your water in the end (although not exactly as you’d wanted) on Livingstone Island
. I went to your blog in search of images and instead discovered riveting visuals created through your words. Your writing never fails me. Thank you so much for your vote and for traveling with me virtually in Namibia. Any chance you will return Africa way?
Hello Lisa. Thanks so much for reading my Zambian football team tale, and your v. kind words. Such a sad event. As to returning to Africa – it seems unlikely. I am of course still safari-ing there in my head
Voting done. And I am looking forward to more of your stories. Awfully glad the world is round.
I would love to do a Victory Lap and head back your way. Would be wonderful to meet in person. Thank you so much for your vote!
Unbelievable! Congratulations!
I am a lucky girl! Thank you so much for your cheer!
Hi Lisa, voted and cograts to both of you for the successful results and to you for the nomiantion.
And you were a part of it!!! The best is yet to come. Fabio will complete his circumnavigation as Captain of Amandla in Grenada and we will complete our first circumnavigation together in Panama. I hope you will come to visit us again. Perhaps you’ll want to join us the next time we cross the Panama Canal. Thank you so much for your vote! Ciao from Brazil.
Done! Looking forward to reading more about your adventures.
Thank you so much for voyaging with me and for your support!
Congrats on making it full circle around the globe Lisa, and congrats on the nomination too! So well deserved, doing what you love and no looking back. It does sound like you have many a story to tell, and I am sure in due time you will let us all know of your adventures. Mr Wobbles voted for you. Good luck

Thank you and Mr. Wobbles for your heartfelt congratulations, support, and love

Done! Love your blog! My best wishes always.
So lovely to hear from you, Lisa. Glad you are safe and full of adventures to share. Looking forward to reading them in the future! I gave you a vote for best travel blog. You deserve the honor!
A second congrats on the circumnavigation – I almost feel I was along as you were wearing the pink flowered skort (transported along with the suitcase of boat parts) as you crossed that long-sought line! I feel part of history myself!
But really, what an accomplishment, done with no help from anyone but your two impressive selves. Will vote as soon as I leave this comment! (Hoping J and I can both come visit somewhere now that you’re in the western hemisphere!)
That pink flowered skort should be called my ‘Milestone Skort’ as I have donned it on every key milestone achieved since it arrived with you (boat parts in tow ;-). And while it was a HUGE milestone to complete my ‘full circle’ (360°), I still need to cross one of my ‘outbound lines’ north of here to officially complete a circumnavigation. This will likely happen in Panama later this year. And speaking of Panama, we are currently ‘planning’ to sail the San Blas from September-ish to December-ish. How does that fit your travel schedule?
We will make it work! Keep us posted as the plan solidifies.
Well done Lisa ! You and your captain did it! I voted!!!
Thank you so very much, Aletta! Greatly appreciated. What a whirlwind it has been. Wish we could have anchored for a time in Saldanha before we departed. Next time around.
That will be great!
We voted Lisa-three pups and I wish you safe travels and good luck with the award!
Love to you and your canine crew. ADORE your new photography website What a wonderful way to showcase your beautiful images.
I am happy to vote for you! You could also be in the best photography category. I am so glad you made it safely to Brazil and I look forward to hearing your further stories and seeing your photos. You inspire me!
Reveling in your praise Michele! Thank you so much for your kind compliments, vote, and wisdom as I try to figure out ‘what is next’ (return to the ‘every day’, take a victory lap or ??).
Hi Lisa!!! Of course you get my vote. Incredible pictures. Incredible tales. Incredible life you are living. Thank you for the gorgeous reminder that the world is not only round, but huge and full of wonder.
Thank you for your vote, your visit, for your generous compliments and most of all, for being there to buoy my spirits when I was tightly anchored to my desk #missyou
Circumnavigation! Even the word is impressive. And I bet you had a lot more fun than Magellan. I’m looking forward to the catch up stories and pictures, and getting to know you better.
Traveling the world under sail has been such a delight and it was a HUGE milestone to complete my first ‘full circle’ (360° of longitude) but I still need to cross one of my ‘outbound lines’ north of here to officially complete a circumnavigation. I will likely do so in Panama later this year. Lovely to meet you in the blogosphere and looking forward to traveling with you virtually.
Well, I’ve sailed from one side of the Willamette River to the other, many times, but somehow it doesn’t quite compare.
Anywhere, anyday on a sailboat is a good day indeed
So great to see you in my email inbox! Congrats on your BB nominations (and, of course, I voted for you) and on completing the loop! I’m so looking forward to reading more about you adventures (you tease
Always a pleasure to see you ‘in port’ Janis. Thank you for your visit and your vote! I am delighted to have to whet your appetite with this appeteaser and hope to deliver up the main dish(es) soon.
What an achievement, lovely lady! How can you not win?

Welcome back! Good to hear the world is round and looking forward to more tales, especially about that big sand dune. Duly voted – of course.
Ahoy there Anabel! Always a pleasure to see you here. Looking forward to taking you on a tour of Sossusvlei.
Luckily this friendly Bloggers Bash did not require heroes such as Jessie Stephen to fight for your right to vote in it :-). Thank you for doing so.
A pleasure! And waiting eagerly for your next instalment (no pressure … !)
Lisa I have just voted and can’t wait to hear more of these adventures! congratulations on circumnavigating the globe. It is an extroadinary accomplishment that I can barely imagine. So happy to live vicariously through your adventures.
Ahoy you! Wonderful to be on the same side of the world as you again. Canada is not so far away now but it might take me a bit longer to get there than I had originally planned as there is so much to distract me in South America! Maybe you and Dave will come to see us?!?!
It was a HUGE milestone to complete my first ‘full circle’ (360° of longitude) but I still need to cross one of my ‘outbound lines’ north of here to officially complete a circumnavigation. That will likely happen in Panama later this year.
Thank you so much for voting and for hanging out with me here.
I’m routing for your for the award as well as for your victory lap. My daughter is fascinated by the horizon photo, I can see the wheels spinning in her head, she also likes the polka dot shark. Good luck to you!
Thank you so much for your support Cristina! I hope that your Baby-Bear has a chance to meet a Whale Shark in person someday. The are filter-feeding, not man-eating, and are very gentle giants. When I write the full-post I will share a picture of myself swimming next to this big boy so you can get a sense of how huge he really is.
The photos look incredible . I’ll look forward to the stories. I’ll definitely put in a vote
Thank you so much for your visit and your vote Suellen! And thank you for the kind words on the images. Blessed to have visited such magical places. Loving your photography and looking forward to seeing more!
Hi Lisa – I voted for you. Congratulations on circumnavigating the globe! I look forward to reading your adventures and beautiful photos. Safe travels!
Ahoy from Brazil Natalie. I tried to comment on your latest (wonderful!) post, but I am not sure it took as I was taken to a page asking for a Blogger Profile and I do not have one. Let me know if you have received the comment. Thank you for voyaging with me virtually, for your vote and for your good wishes! It was a HUGE milestone to travel a ‘full circle’ (360° of longitude) by boat but I still need to cross one of my ‘outbound lines’ north of here to “officially” complete a circumnavigation, likely in Panama later this year.
So good to get confirmation that the earth is STILL round and that Lisa is still on it! Yayyyy you made it there. Love the pics especially the one of you with the conch shell and also the ones of Namibia ~ a place I explored as a teenager with my brother, decades ago.
Yes you get our vote!!!!
Can’t wait to read more of your adventures.
love n hugs to you
Peta (& Ben)
Ahoy Peta (and Ben too!). It is I who should thank you for taking me back to Penang and Sri Lanka again virtually. Gosh, I am missing that part of the world. It’s posts like yours that are encouraging me to do a victory lap!!! I may never get off this boat ;-). Thank you for the hugs, love, and vote
Congrats on completing your great circle! It’s amazing! And the blog is great, too.
Ahoy from Brazil! Thrilled to be here but already trying to figure out how to fund a victory lap (not in our original budget). So much to see in the wonderful world and so much we want to visit again. Looking forward to seeing you underway once you have Sonrisa in ship-shape. Thank you for the visit and for your lovely compliment on the blog!
What an absolutely incredibly journey you are making Lisa! I LOVE LOVE LOVE following you around the world.
Love having you aboard Nicole! And I can’t wait to follow in your footsteps to Belize! What a fascinating place that you just visited!
If you make it to the mouth of the Mississippi and take a side trip up river to Minnesota, I’ll make breakfast for you guys. Ha.
I too look forward to your more detailed stories of your adventures.
My bike has air in the tires and the gears are lubed up. The weather is finally clearing here, one last April snow storm to finish melting and my biking adventures begin. Yeah.
I also voted for you.
One of my dreams is to bring Amandla down the Saint Lawrence Seaway into the Great Lakes. I haven’t thought beyond getting myself to Chicago (my city of origin) but I’ve heard I can get to the Mississipi by way of the Illinois Waterway (the Chicago River, the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, the Des Plaines River, and the Illinois River). Not quite sure how easy it would be to take a sailboat upriver once I got there, but breakfast at your place makes it worth looking into :-). Glad that Spring has finally come your way and that you have the energy and enthusiasm to get out and cycle. Thank you so much for your visit and your vote. Greatly appreciated!
Wow! That sounds like an easy trip.
I await with bated breath. ;0)
Voted! The photographic “taste” you’ve shared has left me ready for more! Congrats on so many milestones, adventures and happy travels to come.
Delighted that you enjoyed the appetizer, Lisa! Thank you for the hearty congratulations and for the vote. We are now tossing around ideas of ‘what’s next in 2020 and your visit reminds me that we should make sure that ‘sail in the Pacific Northwest’ is on our ever-growing list of choices. We will find ourselves back at the Panama Canal at year end and then need to decide whether to head northeast, south or west. So many options!!!
Woo hoo! I vote for “sail in the Pacific Northwest!”
Voted. Why not best photo blog too? You’d have won for sure. Huge congrats on completing your circumnavigation!! You rock. Big hugs from Nayoung and I.
While I’ve navigated across 360° of longitude, I still need to cross one of my ‘outbound lines’ north of here to officially complete a circumnavigation. That will likely happen in Panama later this year. Now trying to figure out how to fund a victory lap
Thank you so much for your vote! You rock. Hugs to Nayoung.
Oh, Lisa! You are a goddess!
First off: congratulations on the first full circle! That is too awesome for words. And these photos and stories of Africa above water and St. Helena underneath have me drooling! Amazing shots and even amazinger experiences. I can’t wait to read and see more.
In the meantime, take a break in Brazil. I’m sure you, the Captain, and especially Amandla have deserved it. If we would have had the money, we would have jumped on a plane for a visit somewhere along the way. But, we strongly believe our paths will cross again, somewhere.
As for the blogger award. I’m pretty confident you’ll win. You have a fantastic support group full of admirers, me included. Love from New Mexico.
I don’t think anyone has called me a goddess before! LOVE IT. I am pretty chuffed about the full-circle (360 degrees) but still have to cross one of my outbound lines further north to officially complete my circumnavigation. Will likely do so in Panama which is also where Fabio and I can say we’ve circumnavigated the globe together)! We have decided to shorten our time in Brazil in order to lengthen our time in Colombia, possibly doing some land travel from there. Next up, the 2000 nm slog to Grenada, our last, big push to get us to the Caribbean Sea. Plan to throw off the dock lines May 5.
Thank you for your confidence in me, for your compliments on the images and for your excited anticipation of the stories to follow. I look forward to the day that we get to travel with you and Mark again.
I’m glad I caught up with you in time to Vote for your blog. Love your photo’s and you rock with that conch, lol.. I’ve been pretty busy but hope to be on line more

Take care Lisa and have a good rest and take lots of photos.
Always a delight to see you here T! I appreciate all the love. I do hope that you will blog more as I think the community would offer you much needed support as you navigate the inordinate amount of shit the gorilla of life is flinging your way. Love and hugs from Brazil
Wow! What an achievement in many respects! Congratulations! Well done!
John and Susan
Thrilled to have traveled this far under sail! And the ABBA nomination for Best Travel Blogger is certainly put wind in my sails :-). Headed Columbia way in July/August and will give you all a shout when we solidify our plans. Great to read that you are settling in well to your new life in Medellín. Look forward to catching up in person over drinks and/or dinner.
I have to agree with Liesbet, dear Lisa! Your blog rocks for best travel blog! Congrats on your full circle, so amazing to think about this idea, but you do describe yourself as a circumnavigating sailor, and there you are! Incredible photos as usual and always so fun to “see” you online. We have windsurf friends who own a vacation home somewhere in Brazil, maybe one of these days we will get to go ourselves.
Awwww! Lovely to know that you think my blog rocks and for voyaging over 1/2 way around the world with me (from New Zealand to here). How cool that you have friends in Brazil! I highly recommend a visit. And we may just come through the canal again to sail Mexico, Hawaii, Alaska, California so maybe we’ll have the good luck of meeting you in our future!
Anywhere on the West coast, Lisa, I’ll be there to meet you!
Gosh that desert photo of yours is perfectly stunning. Congratulations on officially sailing around the world and on your best travel blog nomination!
Hi Lisa – I saw you on a blog and my eyes lit up – I was like – “she is back” and had to come by and see where you guys are – brazil eh?
and that conch shell photo is awesome
I just took a photo of some flowers near a shell in my garden and it is similar
anyhow, congrats on the nom
How lovely to be greeted with such excitement, Yvette! Thank you for your warm ‘welcome back’ and heartfelt congratulations on the nomination.
and just voted for ya!
…and many thanks for your vote.
Congrats on that massive crossing (so scary for me to even contemplate this) and your nomination. I look forward to your tales, particularly about Namibia and that gorgeous whale shark. Off to vote for you…
Tchau from Brazil
Congratulations on making your full circle of the earth. I am in awe!! My vote is in for you and it is well deserved indeed!
Thank you for your visit, your vote, and your love! We’ll be setting soon for The Caribbean. Am trying to talk Captain Fabiolous into a voyage down the St Lawrence Seaway into the Great Lakes. So far, no takers.
hahaha! I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t want to go that far north
Honestly, while my dream is to circumnavigate, the icing on the cake would be to sail into my first hometown, Chicago. I keep telling Captain ‘Tropics’ that he’d love (the swealtering) Great Lakes Region in August, but so far, I haven’t convinced him to sail north of 23.5 degrees.
congrats Lisa. quite the journey..
I voted! Congrats on the nomination and for taking time to rest after your amazing journeys!
You’re welcome – good luck, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you to win! And Happy Spring to you too!
Good to get the confirmation the world is round.
Rest time or second circumnavigation?
If I can figure out a way to fund it, and The Captain doesn’t tire of fixing things, I would love to take a victory lap. Just may need to go via a desk job for a time. Watch this space.
I voted!
Voted! Good luck Lisa!
Oh Well Done! What an achievement. And you’ve seen so many wonderful things. I look forward to your tales along the ‘second circle’. As you know, anything can happen if you plan it well. xxx Trish
Feeling blessed. I still need to figure out a way to fund that second go around. May require anchoring at a desk job for a while, but I am determined! As you say, all things are possible. Thank you for the encouragement!
Congratulations! You deserve the nomination. What an achievement! I doubt I’d be able to prove the earth is round. I’ll take your word for it.
Fantastic visuals of our planet. It made me smile. A big Thank you! <3
Thank you for all the love, Cheryl! You’ve made my day!
I read this part about voting now. Only 1 month too late…
Wow so many beautiful attractions around the world, you have traveled too. I loved the Instagramable Victoria Falls in Zambia.
I am blessed to have experienced so many beautiful places in the world, Yukti, both in person and through the lenses of talented photographers like you